Stanley VFD purchases 16 self contained breathing apparatus for firemen

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16 new Self Contained Breathing Apparatus

New $9,000 units replace those purchased in 2007

STANLEY, April 22 — Members of the Stanley Fire Department display 16 recently purchased Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) packs, which will replace units purchased in 2007 that have become outdated and beyond repair.

According to Fire Chief Terry A. Pettit, the self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) packs were purchased after several attempts to obtain grants through the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) program. Last year, the department partnered with the Luray Volunteer Fire Department to complete an application for SCBA packs for both departments, but were unsuccessful.

Chief Pettit said that SCBA’s are one of the most essential pieces of equipment a firefighter needs to safely fight fires and also protect themselves. The cost of the packs was $172,000 — or about $9,000 each — but thanks to the generous donations and support from the community, the department was able to make the purchase. 

Chief Pettit stated that four more SCBA packs will be purchased in the future to bring the total to 20, which will replace the entire number of outdated units, when funding is available.

Donations are still be accepted toward this project.

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