‘The little things really do matter’


I was the recipient of another person’s kindness today. I never take these things for granted. They give me hope. So, for the gifts I have received since I moved to Stanley I want to publicly acknowledge those people.

There was a man at the Valley Gas and Grocery during the COVID19 outbreak who insisted on paying cash towards my gas. I tried to argue that I was sure someone else needed it more than me. His kindness allowed me to afford a much needed haircut.

There is a clerk at a local dollar store who gave me a hug when I was sobbing about a dear friend’s son being diagnosed with Leukemia recently.

Today, a young local father asked me for only $10 to take away some rocks, I drove the price up and the price I paid was still more than reasonable.

Moral of the story – give what ever you can. The little things really do mater.

    Paula Dorangrichia ~ Stanley, Va.


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