Water unit added to LVFD

Luray fire hall

March 11, 1965 — A 1,650-gallon emergency water unit was added to the rolling equipment of the Luray Fire Department this week. The new equipment has a six-inch suction hose and two, two- and-one-half inch hose outlets. It can be filled at a fire plug in five minutes.

The $3,000 chassis was donated by the Luray Jaycees. The tank, storage compartments and fixtures cost $1,200. A siren costing $120 and $100 worth of emergency lights have been installed on the unit.

Fire Chief Maurice Judd said all this has been paid for through donations of private citizens, firms and organizations. He said he hoped enough money can still be contributed to purchase a portable pump to refill the tank when in rural sections. 

~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier


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