PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Page Valley News will be publishing profiles of local candidates in contested races for the Luray and Shenandoah councils in this fall’s elections over the next few weeks. Each race features four candidates for three open seats, and voters may cast ballots for up to three candidates.
Jeremy Hilliard
• Age: 49
• Education: High school, Mt. Carmel Christian Academy.
• Work: Eastern Mennonite University, Auxiliary Services, 2022; Harrisonburg Auto Auction, 2007; Shenandoah National Park, 2000; Town of Luray, 2000.
• Family: Wife, Melissa Hilliard.
• Why are you running for public office?
To ensure all town residents are represented and voices heard regardless of social status, or if having differing views. Help to make the town of Luray a safe and profitable place to live for all town residents.
• What makes you the best candidate?
I will be a representative of the people and will directly engage with town residents to take ownership in shaping the future of their town.
• What is the most pressing issue facing the Town of Luray?
Lack of quality jobs for a sustainable way of life and quality standard of living for town residents.
• What is one thing that you would like to change or improve about Luray?
The town council work towards a better balance and focus on quality jobs for town residents, and tourism with more focus on our own town residents.
• Briefly describe a decision you have made in a leadership role and tell why you made that decision.
As president of a nonprofit organization for 20 years making decisions on how to raise money and how to properly distribute it to deserving entities.
Voters have until Monday, Oct. 17 to register for casting ballots in Nov. 8 general election
In-person voting begins Friday for November ballot featuring House and town council races
New faces in council races for seats in Luray and Shenandoah
Voting precincts same as November for today’s GOP primary in U.S. House race
I support Jeremy; he will take an objective view on issues, he possess a clear understanding of the culture of Luray and through his involvement with residents, has developed the vision to enhance the livelihoods of the citizens in Luray.
There always exists the possibility of citizens taking matters into their own hands if the elected and appointed officials stray too far off course.
I think Jeremy Hilliard will be a good addition to our town council. I voted early and have already cast my vote for him and hope the readers will do the same. I chose to vote for only one town council position.
I have questions for Mr Hilliard. How do you propose to create the jobs you envision? What is your plan to attract businesses that can provide these jobs? What would you do that differs from what has been tried in the past? What balance do you see is missing? Can you provide more information about your non-profit? Yearly revenue, for example. Thank you.
We must end the town funding of DEMONIC halloween, we must reclaim our Main street businesss from “LGBT”, we must stop jihadis from in the new SOROS apartments. Thank you Jeremy for standing up on these issues!!! Thank you for knocking our door and hearing from REAL LURAY
How do you propose reclaiming businesses from LGBT?? Gonna write me a check?? LOL. You’re NOT the real Luray, and id love this candidate to respond to your comment. But im sure he won’t.
I agree with Tammy. Jihadis LGBT demons are floating around downtown. I saw one by the rail road tracks heading to Hardees. I didn’t know they liked french fries like the rest of us.
I was impressed with Mr. Hilliard taking the time to stop by today, introducing himself and telling us a bit about himself. Those actions alone tell me he is ready to go to work for the Council and for our residents.
However, Tammy and Wanda’s shockingly discriminatory posts on this forum regarding the cultures and lifestyles of anyone, including their own fellow citizens and neighbors, is disturbing, sickening, and uncalled for, especially on this site.
Instead of supporting Mr. Hilliard in this race, these hate filled remarks offer nothing to him but judgement, suspicion, and degradation, qualities
I certainly don’t expect Mr. Hilliard shares with people like this, but I’ll be watching.
Truthfully said
@Ramanda. Truth spoken
I watched the video Mr Hillard posted about who he is. He has an AR rifle, and American flag, and a Bible. What more does anyone need to help a town prosper? https://is.gd/ByYb0d