Threats to cut Medicaid and Social Security ‘stomach-churning and frightening’


Dear Editor:

The news out of DC lately is stomach-churning and frightening.

Virginia — and our local area — is sure to be affected badly by all the layoffs and budget cuts. Every day seems to bring new chaos.

My biggest personal concern involves threats to cut Medicaid and Social Security. My adult son, who is disabled, lives in a group home — his placement is funded through Medicaid and his Social Security Disability. Based on what is happening daily in D.C., we have no idea what the future will bring.

This is no way to run a government.

Sally Edwards ~ Luray, Va.

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  1. Sally, who told you there are going to be cuts to those benefits? Stop believing the media whose only goal is to get you to watch more. Eliminating waste is not the same as removing benefits. Also, you people concerned with all of these spending cuts should have been more concerned when the spending was out of control but us didn’t. Ya kept voting for it over and over and now that someone is making the government accountable, you’re complaining. It’s honestly an insane position to take.

    • You’re right. Nothing is changing. It’s all a Trump magic show.
      We’ll close the Department of Education. Fire 1,300. Yea!

      But we’ll transfer all the functions of Education somewhere else:
      Student loans to Treasury.
      Civil right enforcement to Justice.
      Disability education to Health and Human Services
      Vocational Eduction to Labor

      Each and every one of which will hire more clerks, supervisors, budget analysts, supervisors, program managers and assistant secretaries to handle the work. About 1,300 of them I expect.
      Because there’s real work to be done if you want your benefits.

      Meanwhile, enjoy the magic show. It’s the best your money can buy.

  2. Sally Edwards and Damnson. With the closure of millions of fake Social Security accounts I’m sure these entitlements will become much stronger. Were you two or somebody you know ripping off the government with fake SSNs?

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