Visitors Center gets one-month reprieve at depot

Visitors Center

Board of Supervisors to choose among three options July 15

LURAY, July 1 — At the conclusion of Monday night’s 35-minute work session, the Page County Board of Supervisors voted, 6-0, to allocate $8,500 to keep the Luray-Page County Visitors Center operating under the Chamber of Commerce at the historic train depot for another 30 days. A final decision on the Visitors Center’s fate — among three stated options — will be made at the supervisors’ July 15 meeting.

Board Chairman Keith Weakley began discussion of the issue on Monday night by stating that a “partnering session” had taken place on Friday between himself, County Administrator Amity Moler, Chamber President Gina Hilliard and Chamber Board Chairman Travis Clark. Chairman Weakley stated that the session revealed a “major breakdown of communication” and a “gross misunderstanding” regarding the process of potentially relocating the visitors center and the county taking over operations. Those factors, some supervisors said, lead to confusion, mistrust and anxiety among stakeholders and the public.

“I really feel…a lot of it could have been avoided, if we had better communication…that would have lead to us getting to these discussions earlier…,” stated District 3 supervisor Ryan Cubbage, who participated remotely by phone during Monday’s work session.

According to Chairman Weakley, on July 15 the supervisors will “discuss the pros and cons” of three options that include a budget developed by the county to move to a new location; a budget created by the Chamber to continue operating the visitors center at the depot; and a hybrid budget created jointly between the two for leaving the visitors center at the depot operated by county staff.

At the conclusion of his comments and assessment of Friday’s “partnering session”, Chairman Weakley asked Hilliard if his remarks constituted a “fair assessment,” to which she agreed.

The Chamber’s lease agreement at the depot with the Town of Luray automatically renewed this month because neither party acknowledged a desire to leave the agreement within the last six months. During the supervisors’ discussion, it was revealed that under the current proposals, the county would pay 40 percent of the cost of utilities and a partnership might reveal “several areas for opportunities on savings.”

Weakley openly admitted that some of the preliminary figures for the proposed budgets on Monday night had been “pulled together a little after lunch,” but went on to note “long-term opportunities for savings…in areas like cleaning, postage…”

“Just to be clear, this only involves the visitors center…not our website that we’ve been working on for three years,” District 2 supervisor Allen Louderback pointed out during the discussion.

District 5 supervisor Jeff Vaughan asked about the status of the proposed new site at the intersection of Business 340 and Business 211 on Main Street in Downtown Luray.

“If we don’t move…is it going to be made available?” Vaughan asked.

The county finally revealed their choice for the potential new location for the visitors center last Monday in a 9 p.m. press release — the space currently occupied by Appalachian Trail Outfitters (not the basement business spaces around back in the same building, as previously reported).

“It is with mixed emotions that we announce the proposed location for the Page Valley Visitor Center,” reads the statement. “The bittersweet aspect of this news is the upcoming retirement of Jack and Gigi Foster from Appalachian Trail Outfitters… However, as the saying goes, ‘when one door closes, another opens.’ Upon learning of Jack and Gigi’s retirement plans, their landlord, Judy Anderson, reached out to inform the economic development and tourism department of the upcoming vacancy, hoping to find a new business to occupy this space.”

The county explains that the process has been done partially behind closed doors in order to protect the Fosters and their retirement plans. The Fosters still have two years on their lease with Anderson on the front side of the corner lot, brick building, according to comments made at Monday’s work session.

“During the lease review process, we needed to keep this information confidential to respect the business owner’s timing in announcing their plans,” the press release reads. “Today, we are thrilled to share that everyone is ready to reveal the proposed site for the Page Valley Visitor Center at 2 West Main Street in Downtown Luray.”

Weakley re-emphasized on Monday night that all three options mentioned would be discussed and considered at the July 15 meeting. His public comments at the work session echoed sentiments he expressed in comments on social media shortly after the June 24 press release was posted on Facebook.

“As Chair of the Board of Supervisors, I can assure everyone that no decision has been made. Anything implied in this post is premature,” Weakley stated. “The Board is reviewing all options; this is only one. The only purpose of this was to convey that the reason for a closed session was the confidentiality agreement, nothing more, nothing less.”

For more information on Page County government,




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  1. Are the operators of Appalachian outfitters actually retiring? Are they keeping the Elkton store open?

    • The Visitor Center confusion about the way forward has been like putting the captain of the RMS Titanic in charge of the rudder factory and navigation school.
      What is the $8500 paying for? What is the obligation comprised of?

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