‘We will be back’

Page Theaters-sign

Page Theaters posted a notice to its patrons earlier this week: “We will be back.” The posters for former coming attractions sits in stark contrast to the empty sidewalks along Main Street in Luray. The message to moviegoers also serves as a mantra for our collective community, the nation and the world as a whole.

On Monday, Governor Ralph Northam issued Order 53 closing all non-essential businesses statewide at midnight Tuesday through April 23. The governor also ordered the closure of all public schools K-12 for the remainder of the school year, and limited public crowds to 10.

Virginia took the precautionary measures to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus and COVID-19, which (as of Thursday, March 26) had taken more than 1,000 lives in the U.S. alone.

For current information about how to help local businesses in Page County, check out pagecountyliving.com

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