~ PVN staff report (drafted from notes provided by Town staff)
SHENANDOAH, April 12 — During its meeting Tuesday night, the Shenandoah Council authorized two purchases totaling almost $2,500 for improvements at the Town’s WigWam Village park.
The playground will see the addition of an ADA-compliant picnic table at a cost of $1,496 and a Kirby Built 4-Foot Bench (including mounting kit and shipping) at a cost of $966.23.
Both items are being paid for with funds donated to the WigWam Village Playground. Anyone interested in donating towards another bench, should call Town Hall for more information at (540) 652-8164.
In other business at its April 12 meeting, the Shenandoah Council:
• Held a Budget Work Session just prior to the regular Council meeting. The Town budget will now be advertised for a public hearing. Tax rates are expected to remain the same with no increases.
• Authorized pest control in the amount of $660 by C&C Exterminating for 507 First St. Payment will be from the ARPA funds already budgeted for The Railroad Museum/Welcome Center.
• Rejected a proposal from VDOT to purchase and install a “Watch for Children” sign in the amount of $850 per sign and opted instead to increase police patrols in “trouble areas.” It was noted that drivers are not obeying speed limit signs and likely would not pay attention to these expensive signs either.
• Received a letter from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission informing the Town PE Hydro Generation, LLC’s license applications fail to conform to the requirements of the Commission’s regulations. PE Hydro has 90 days from the date of the letter to correct deficiencies in their applications.
• Authorized the purchase of a 2000 GMC 3500 4-door 4×4 Crew Cab pickup with 1,200 miles on a rebuilt motor and transmission for use in the Public Works Department in the amount of $3,000, plus trading an old surplus camo pickup truck, camo blazer, and old grader. Payment amount will be transferred from the Capital Improvements checking account to the General Fund.
• Reviewed bids for refuse collection and accepted a five-year agreement with low bidder Waste Movers.
• Heard the Town will co-host a Business After Hours with Shenandoah Industrial Corporation from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 16 at the Railroad Museum/Welcome Center (507 First Street). Catering for this event will be provided by Shenandoah Heritage Center.
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