Around Alma

HISTORY-Lee highway builders

March 13, 1890 — There is a great deal of sickness prevailing in this section at this time. Mr. William Rogers has been quite ill for sometime. He is one of our oldest citizens, being over 80 years old. His friends scarcely hope for his recovery.

Mr. Noah Seekford has had a very sick family, three of his children being sick at one time, but we learn they are improving.

Mr. Siram Offenbacker, who has been confined to his room for two weeks by illness, we are glad to say is better.

Alice Good, a girl about 16 years of age, daughter of Mr. Noah Good, departed this life yesterday morning, having been afflicted all her life, being subject to epilepsy, and during one of three spells nearly three months ago, she fell in the fire and burned herself very severely, from which she never recovered.

Our little village is noted for the industry, economy and enterprise of its inhabitants. As a model of industry we would especially refer to our friend, Thomas Lucas, who is a day laborer, being employed the greater part of his time in the ore mines.

Our school term of five months in Marksville District will soon come to a close, and the school boy who dreads his recitations is looking forward to that event with delight.

Our teacher, Miss Mary A. Fore is preparing for an exhibition to take place at the close of her school, which will be about the 26th inst.

~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier

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