Stanley’s Co. 24 answers 46 fire, medical calls in October

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Stanley Fire Dept

~ Provided by Stanley Volunteer Fire Department, Co. 24

The Stanley Volunteer Fire Department answered 46 calls for the month of October reported Fire Chief Terry A. Pettit — including 14 emergency calls, 18 medical calls and 14 non-emergency calls. For 2020, total calls to-date are 502.

A breakdown of the October calls show that the department responded to 18 medical calls, checked four chimneys, four vehicle accidents, three lock out calls, two structure fires (house and trailer), two standby fireworks display, two standby landing sites, two smoke investigations and one call for electrical lines down, standby control burn, vehicle fire, birthday parade, gasoline spill, fire safety presentation, control burn, diesel fuel spill and water rescue.

An average of 13 members responded to each emergency call and an average of nine members responded to each medical call.

There were 446 miles placed on apparatus, and there was $1,600 in fire damage for the month of October.

The department assisted the Stanley Rescue Squad on 15 calls, Page County EMS on three calls, Luray Rescue Squad on four calls, Shenandoah National Park on three calls and the Shenandoah Fire Department on one call. The department was assisted by the Page County EMS on one call.

There were two vehicle accident-related injuries and one injury due to a fire. Four cars were totaled in vehicle accidents, and one Blazer was totaled due to fire.

Members responding to the most emergency calls were: Chief Pettit 14, Chance Wallace 11, Zack Croft 10, Colin Huffman 9, Kevin L. Painter 7, Dakota Turner 7 and Ariel Beales 7.

Members answering the most medical calls were: Chief Pettit 11, Casey Burner 10, Chance Wallace 8, J.T. Long 7, Zack Croft 6, Derek Franks 6 and Andrew Miller 6.

Members answering the most non-emergency calls were: Chief Pettit 11, Brandon Stroupe 7, Chance Wallace 7, Ken Sumpter 5, Mathew Price 5, J.T. Long 4 and Andrew Miller 4.

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