April 5, 1962 — The Luray High School baseball team will play its first game on the 1962 schedule on Tuesday afternoon of next week against the Stonewall Jackson Generals on the latter’s diamond.
J.R. Ponn, the only member of the senior class on this year’s squad which has six lettermen returning, has been named captain of the team, which is coached by Bob Crews. Ponn has played the outfield for the Bulldogs during the past two seasons but has been shifted to first base this year to help strengthen the infield.
The Bulldogs will have all of their returning veterans playing in the infield which should be the strongest point on the team. The main problem concerning this year’s team will be in the pitching department.The loss of Charles Bauserman due to a shoulder injury has been felt keenly in the pitching strength and Tommy Broyles is the only pitcher who is returning with any experience.Â
~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier
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