Dear Editor,
Most folks appear to have decided on which vision for America they want and thus have picked a candidate. If you have even a tiny amount of doubt about your selection, please consider these facts (you can look them up on a site of your choice; I did) about one of the candidates. One candidate has been found guilty of breaking these laws over the course of the last 36 years with the resulting fines:
*1988 Fined $750,000 in an anti-trust suit against Bally
*1991 Fined $200,000 for a policy of removing black workers from his casino floor whenever he was present
*1998 Fined $1,400,000 for hiring undocumented workers
*1998 Fined $447,000 for money laundering violations
*2000 Fined $250,000 to the NY State Lobbying Commission for violated their laws
*2006 Fined $100,000 by the City of Palm Beach for violating their flag ordinance
*2015 Fined $10,000,000 for money laundering violations
*2016 Fined $50,000 for hotel chain’s date and credit card breaches
*2016 Fined $1,300,000 for FEC campaign donation disclosure error
*2017 Fined $25,000,000 for Trump University fraud
*2019 Fined $2,000,000 to refund 8 charities for Trump Foundation fraud
*2021 Forced to refund $122,000,000 to campaign donors
*2022 Fined $110,000 for contempt of court
*2022 Fined $750,000 for funneling inaugural funds to his businesses illegally
*2022 Fined $1,600,000 for 17 counts of criminal tax fraud
*2023 Fined $10,000 for attacking court personnel
*2023 Fined $1,000,000 for filing a bogus lawsuit
*2023 Judgment of $5,000,000 for sexual abuse
*2024 Judgment of $83,300,000 for defamation suit
*2024 Fined $329,000 for bogus lawsuit
*2024 Judgment of $354,000,000 for business fraud. The judge said the fraud “shocks the conscience”.
Observations: I notice the judgments and fines against this candidate have escalated over the last several years. No wonder this candidate and some members of his family are so desperate to win the protection of the office of president and make deals with unsavory characters here and abroad.
I hope you got your piece of the refund to his campaign donors from the 2021 case if you donated to him. If not, you might want to look into that.
I would not want anyone with this record to be my neighbor or my business partner, my child’s teacher/coach, my child’s school bus driver, or to house/pet sit for me. These judgments would prevent him from serving on the board of any corporation or non-profit organization. The person representing America and its patriotic, hard-working citizens? Not a chance.
Anne Gordon ~ Mount Sidney, Va.
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Hawksbill Creek shows E coli levels four times above recommended recreational threshold
Vote Vickers for Mayor of Luray
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More needs to be done about prescription drug prices, vote for Ken Mitchell
President Trump had four years of successful foreign policies
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Shout out to Luray Police for job well done
“In 2015, Trump’s lawyer Alan Garten called Trump’s legal entanglements “a natural part of doing business” in the U.S. While litigation is indeed common in the real estate industry, Trump has been involved in more legal cases than his fellow magnates Edward J. DeBartolo Jr., Donald Bren, Stephen M. Ross, Sam Zell, and Larry Silverstein combined. Much of the lawsuits were filed against patrons with debt to his casinos. Of all cases with a clear resolution, Trump was the victor 92 percent of the time.” Wikipedia. The other BS you list is a natural result of being a political lightning rod. Did you mention the Biden’s money laundering?? The Clinton and DOJ election interference?
TRUMP 2024.
You have misrepresented many, if not all, of the items on your list in your attempt to smear Trump. Your summaries are misleading, misprepresenting the facts, and totally incorrect in some cases. Recheck your news stories and get them right before you post drivel as “fact”. Also, pretty much everything that has been brought against him since he began running for President the first time has been abusive lawfare by his political oponents meant to derail him. Each one of those is a reason to vote FOR Trump to stop this terrible abuse of our justice system.
Maybe 8 yeas ago. But today Trump is just wacko.
People who say there’s no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.