Dear Editor,
The American Legion encourages all Americans that are properly registered voters to vote in the upcoming national election. Legionnaires have traditionally responded to this call for action, and are among the groups of individuals most likely to cast their ballots on Election Day, and so it should be with all properly registered Page County voters.
Americans have the right to vote for whom they choose to represent them in our representative form of government. We have the duty, and more so, the responsibility, to vote so that the men and women who have sacrificed their lives protecting this valuable right, shall not have done so in vain. It also is our obligation to vote in this coming election, and all future elections, thereby demonstrating our support for the men and women who now serve our country in all branches of the military protecting this, and all of our rights.
Voting is a powerful way for Page County citizens to participate in our government. It gives each of us a voice on issues that directly affect their lives. It is the goal of the American Legion’s “Get Out the Vote” program to encourage all properly registered Americans voters to vote in this, and every election.
For God and Country,
Richard Worrell, Commander, Post #22, American Legion ~ Luray, Va.
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