Over the past year, the importance of high-quality internet in Page County has become painfully clear to students, workers, businesses and anyone seeking tele-medical services. Amidst all this, a combination of players — public and private — has launched projects to improve the county’s internet capacity, some with an eye towards short-term fixes and others, towards long-term solutions.
Who are the different players? How do their various projects interrelate? What options, resources and solutions is the Board of Supervisors pursuing? What results can we expect in terms of internet speed, coverage, and cost to households? How much will the projects cost, who will pay for them, and how?
This summer, the Page County Public Forum is bringing together representatives of contractors the Board of Supervisors has hired, plus the Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative, the Governor’s Office of Commonwealth Connect and others to help provide answers to these and other important questions.
Local, state and federal authorities now recognize the need for reliable, quality broadband in rural areas. Let’s learn what we can do to make sure we get that and aren’t left behind.
Skip Halpern ~ Luray, Va.
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Uh…the same thing that has always gone on with broadband. AS long as you live in a “City” you have a chance. God forbid you choose to live out where Page County is thrilled to take your tax dollars, but not so thrilled to give anything beyond basic services back. 20 years and no improvement….yep. Page county pretty much begins and ends at the Luray City Line.