Fellow citizens:
I would like to thank everyone who helped us honor those who died while serving in the military at the 25th annual Memorial Festival in Shenandoah on May 28, 2022! All events were well attended, and it was an enjoyable time.
I want to say a special thank you to those who attended the Memorial Service. Your attendance at the Memorial Service is a small way of thanking those who made the ultimate sacrifice through their service, and we appreciate you taking time to attend.
I especially want to thank the family of AWS1 James Buriak who came to the Memorial Service. AWS1 James Buriak was the Virginia fallen soldier honoree at the Memorial Service.
I would also like to thank all the Shenandoah Heritage Center Members, Town employees, and volunteers who work tirelessly each year to make this event possible!
Clinton O. Lucas Jr. ~ Mayor of Shenandoah, Va.
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